NoteZilla Help

Finding Notes


Simple Find (Find-As-You-Type)

Simple Find (Find-As-You-Type)

Simple Find can only find in note title, tags, dates and memoboard names. It does not find inside the note body (content). In other words, it finds only in the rows displayed in the Tasks View of the Notes Browser.

Also it can only search in the currently selected memoboard/filter.

To use Simple Find, press F3 from the Notes Browser. The focus will shift to the find edit window in the top right corner of the Notes Browser (shown in above picture). Type your search query in this find edit window to locate the required note.


Advanced Find

Advanced Find

Advanced Find has several capabilities. It can look inside note body (content), tags or the title. It can match case or whole word. It can look for all words in the query, any words in the query or the exact phrase specified.

Advanced Find also looks in the titles of the windows to which the note is stuck, and the paths of the files/folders attached to the note.

To use Advanced Find, left click or right click on the NoteZilla icon and choose Find Notes from the menu.

However, the fastest way to activate Advanced Find is to use the hotkey Ctrl+Shift+F. This hotkey is configurable using Preferences .

If you are in the Notes Browser, you can also use the shortcut key Alt+F3 to activate Advanced Find pane.